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Subject Verb Agreement German

Posted on July 5, 2023 by natsb

Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental grammar rules that all writers need to follow. In German, it is particularly important because the verb conjugation in a sentence is dependent on the subject being used. Therefore, mastering this rule is critical for anyone who intends to write or communicate effectively in German.

So, what exactly is subject-verb agreement? Simply put, subject-verb agreement is the matching of the verb form with the grammatical number and person of the subject in a sentence. It ensures that the verb used agrees with the subject in terms of both number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). This agreement creates a balance in the sentence and makes it clear who is doing the action.

In German, subject-verb agreement is even more important than it is in English. This is because of the importance of word order in German. The verb in German always comes in the second position in a declarative sentence. In questions, the verb comes in the first position. In subordinate clauses, it comes at the end of the sentence. Therefore, using the correct verb form is essential for the sentence to make sense.

In German, the verb conjugation can be challenging for non-native speakers, but there are some general rules to follow. For example, if the subject is a singular noun, the verb form must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb form must also be plural. Similarly, if the subject is a third-person singular pronoun (er, sie, es), the verb form will end with an -t. For example, “Er geht ins Kino” (He goes to the cinema).

Another important rule to remember is that in the present tense, the verb form changes based on the person of the subject. For example, “Ich gehe zur Schule” (I go to school), “Du gehst zur Schule” (You go to school), and “Er geht zur Schule” (He goes to school). In this case, the verb gehen (to go) changes depending on the subject.

In summary, subject-verb agreement is a crucial grammar rule to follow in German. It ensures that the verb form matches the subject in terms of both number and person, which is essential for the sentence to make sense. Mastering subject-verb agreement will make you a better writer and communicator in German and help you to convey your ideas clearly.