16+ Maintenance Agreement Templates

If you were thinking of starting a new business where you would be charging people for your maintenance services, you might simultaneously think about creating a maintenance services contract as well. This will enable you to do business officially and collect payments on time.

Agreement Template Bundle

agreement template bundle 788x510

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5 Steps to Create a Professional Maintenance Agreement

Step 1: Write the Overview

In the first section write an overview of the contract. This section needs to contain the basic details like the name of the parties between whom this agreement is being made, their address (location of operation) and also the date from when the agreement is supposed to commence.

Step 2: Define Terms

In the next section define the various terms that you would be in your agreement, i.e. the sections that are to follow. Explaining all the terms in one specific section will help you to skip explaining it every time you mention it thereafter. The reader can just come back to the first page for reference every time he needs to know the meaning of a term.

Step 3: Terms of Agreement

In the third step, write down the terms of the agreement. For clarity’s sake, this section should be as detailed as possible. Write down the specifics of the maintenance services that you would be providing. It is also a good idea to mention any relevant service that a customer might be expecting from you but you won’t be providing.

Step 4: Duration of Contract

In the next stage write down the duration of the contract. Write down when the contract starts and when it ends. Provide instructions on how to renew the contract. You might put down that to renew the contract you should be notified 90 days prior to the date in writing. Put other clauses as you see fit.

Step 5: Statement of Approval and Signature

The final section should contain the statement of agreement, i.e. stating that by signing this document the parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the agreement. In the next space, put down the name of each party and leave a space for their signatures. Also, include the date of signing as well.

16+ Maintenance Agreement Templates

1. Maintenance Agreement Template

maintenance agreement template

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If you have never created a maintenance agreement before, it is best that you download and edit this agreement template in Word. If you are more accustomed to using Apple’s offerings, you might also use our agreement templates in Pages. These templates are designed in a way that makes you feel right at home.

2. Software Maintenance Agreement Template

software maintenance agreement template

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If you have started a company that provides maintenance services for software, to get clients you will need to send them a maintenance proposal. Once if you get a client, you would have to prepare a contract. You can do this by downloading this software maintenance service contract template.

3. Software Maintenance Agreement VAR Template

software maintenance agreement var template

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If you are preparing a software maintenance agreement for the first time and are unaware of the technicalities involved, then you might want to take a look at this maintenance contract that we have custom-prepared for you. Just download it and you all would have to do is place your details in the correct places.

4. Maintenance Agreement Template

maintenance agreement template


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Our service agreement forms follow the format that is accepted worldwide and thus you can rest assured that you would look professional wherever your client may be located. It would not only help you to prepare one for yourself, it will also save you a lot of time. Download this template to know more.

5. Equipment Maintenance Agreement Example

equipment maintenance agreement example


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Congratulations on starting your new business. We are sure your equipment maintenance services would become the talk of the town soon. That is why we want you to look as professional as possible. Hence we would suggest that you prepare a maintenance agreement and if you don’t have the time to download this example instead.

6. Sample Maintenance Agreement Example

sample maintenance agreement example


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If you are ready to prepare your software and hardware support agreement, but the only thing you are unsure of is the plethora of terminologies that you should be using, then this is the sample you should be downloading. You can also use this as your top sheet if you are not feeling like rewriting it yourself.

7. Service Maintenance Agreement Template

service maintenance agreement template


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Writing maintenance contracts can be a time-consuming affair, especially if you are not used to writing them. What you can do then is download this template and start preparing your own by taking reference from this. Alternatively, you can just use this agreement by making just a few changes. If this one doesn’t suit your needs we have more maintenance agreement templates for you to choose from.

8. Software Maintenance Agreement in PDF

software maintenance agreement in pdf


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Are the number of offers you are getting preventing you from updating your software maintenance agreement contract? Don’t worry. Focus on the services and let us handle the documentation part. Just download this and replace your old contract with this one. If you would like to check out more maintenance contract templates, feel free to do so. Our site has a vast collection that will surely meet your needs.

9. Basic Maintenance Agreement Example

basic maintenance agreement example


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Even if this is something that you do as a freelancer, you should definitely use at least a basic maintenance agreement. This is absolutely required if you don’t want to get cheated and end up devoting more time to it than you initially signed up for. If you don’t feel like creating one yourself, you can always download our agreement templates like the one here and use it for your needs.

10. Simple Maintenance Agreement

simple maintenance agreement


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Free agreement templates are easy to find. But the good ones are difficult to get. But that is not always the case. Things are quite different when you visit our site. Even our free ones are extremely professional and detailed. We know it is difficult to believe without seeing it for yourself and that is why we suggest that you download this template.

11. Formal Maintenance Agreement Template

formal maintenance agreement template


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Creating a formal maintenance agreement might seem challenging, especially if it is something that you have never attempted before. That does not mean it needs to remain that way, not when you have our site bookmarked. We have searched every corner of the internet for the best templates that are available for every possible situation that we could think of. That is why you will find something that you can use.

12. Maintenance Agreement Format

maintenance agreement format


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So you have sat down to prepare a maintenance agreement, but wondering what the correct format should be. Wouldn’t it have been nice if you could just take reference from a professionally made agreement? We think so too and that is why we have prepared this sample agreement. So download it now.

13. Maintenance Agreement Checklist Template

maintenance agreement checklist template


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No matter what we believe about ourselves, we, being human, are prone to making errors. So if you think you can remember all the things that you need to put down in the template while you are writing one, you might be mistaken. It is always better to just have a checklist prepared which you can use while creating an agreement. Download this one to get started.

14. Professional Maintenance Agreement Example

professional maintenance agreement example


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If you are running out of time and urgently need to prepare a professional maintenance agreement, then there is a chance that you might miss an important clause in a hurry. Thus it is advisable that you just download this PDF template and either use it directly or take references from it while creating your own.

15. Annual Maintenance Agreement Template

annual maintenance agreement template


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Creating an annual maintaining task is surely a time-consuming affair. There might be several other things that you need to take care of and this only adds to that burden. How about you download this sample annual maintenance agreement. This will save you a lot of time that you can better utilize.

16. Software Maintenance Agreement Example

software maintenance agreement example


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A software maintenance agreement requires a lot of technicalities and a small error can cause a lot of damage to your company. The best way to prevent such a mishap is by downloading our carefully prepared templates. They have been specially created by our professionals to serve that purpose.

17. Hardware Maintenance Agreement Template

hardware maintenance agreement template
